Using Azure Files with Azure Container Services and Docker volumes

As a continuation to my last post about setting up an Azure Container Service, I thought it might be a good idea to have a look at persistent storage for the containers. Even if I prefer “outsourcing” my storage to external services, having persistent storage can be really useful in some cases.

Docker sets up storage using volumes, which are bascially just some form of storage that is mounted to a path in the container. By default, the volumes are just directories on the host that are mounted inside the container. However, this has a couple of drawbacks.


A brief look at Azure Container Service

Yesterday I had a couple of hours left over as I was on a train on the way to do a presentation. So I thought i would play around a little with the Azure Container Service. Seeing that I have gotten hooked on Docker, having the ability to spin up a Docker cluster while on the train using just my mobile phone for the connection, seems like a really cool thing. I guess normal people read books and watch Netflix on the train. Me...I spin up 5 Docker clusters...

Setting up an Azure Container Service is really simple, so let's have a look at it.

Setting up a new Container Service

You just go to the portal and choose to add a new Azure Container Service, and accept that it will use the Resource Manager deployment model. Then you have to fill out a bit of information.


Setting Up Continuous Deployment of an ASP.NET App with Gulp from VSTS to an Azure Web App using Scripted Build Definitions

A few weeks ago, I wrote a couple of blog posts on how to set up continuous deployment to Azure Web Apps, and how to get Gulp to run as a part of it. I covered how to do it from GitHub using Kudu, and how to do it from VSTS using XAML-based build definitions. However, I never got around to do a post about how to do it using the new scripted build definitions in VSTS. So that is why this post is going to be about!

The Application

The application I’ll be working with, is the same on that I have been using in the previous posts. So if you haven’t read them, you might want to go and have a look at them. Or, at least the first part of the first post, which includes the description of the application in use. Without that knowledge, this post might be a bit hard to follow…


Building a simple PicPaste replacement using Azure Web Apps and WebJobs

This post was supposed to be an introduction to Azure WebJobs, but it took a weird turn somewhere and became a guide to building a simple PicPaste replacement using just a wimple Azure Web App and a WebJob.

As such, it might not be a really useful app, but it does show how simple it is to build quite powerful things using Azure.

So, what is the goal? Well, the goal is to build a website that you can upload images to, and then get a simple Url to use when sharing the image. This is not complicated, but as I want to resize the image, and add a little overlay to it as well before giving the user the Url, I might run into performance issues if it becomes popular. So, instead I want the web app to upload the image to blob storage, and then have a WebJob process it in the background. Doing it like this, I can limit the number of images that are processed at the time, and use a queue to handle any peaks.


Compressing messages for the Windows Azure Service Bus

As a follow up to my previous post about encrypting messages for the Service Bus, I thought I would re-use the concepts but instead of encrypting the messages I would compress them.

As the Service bus has limitations on how big messages are allowed to be, compressing the message body is actually something that can be really helpful. Not that I think sending massive messages is the best thing in all cases, the 256kb limit can be a little low some times.

Anyhow… The basic idea is exactly the same as last time, no news there…but to be honest, I think this type of compressions should be there by default, or at least be available as a feature of BrokeredMessage by default… However, as it isn’t I will just make do with extension methods…


Encrypting messages for the Windows Azure Service Bus

A week ago I ran into Alan Smith at the Stockholm Cental Station on the way to the Scandinavian Developer Conference. We were both doing talks about Windows Azure, and we started talking about different Windows Azure features and thoughts. At some point, Alan mentioned that he had heard a few people say that they would like to have their BrokeredMessages encrypted. For some reason this stuck with me, and I decided to give it a try…

My first thought was to enherit the BrokeredMessage class, and introduce encryption like that. Basically pass in an encryption startegy in the constructor, and handle all encryption and decryption inside this subclass. However, about 2 seconds in to my attempt, I realized that the BrokeredMessage class was sealed. An annoying, but somewhat understandable  decision made by Microsoft. Ok, so I couldn’t inherit the class, what can you do then? Well, there is no way to stop me from creating a couple of extension methods…


SDC 2013 Service Bus Talk Demo Code

Yesterday I did a talk about the Widnows Azure Service Bus at the Scandinavian Developer Coneference in Gotheburg. As a part of that, I promised to make all the code I demoed available here on my blog, so here it is. The only thing you need to do to be able to run it is to set up a new Service Bus service in the Azure portal, and the copy the namespace and key into the App.config file available in the “Shared” folder.

The App.config in the “Shared” folder is shared throughout all the projects in the solution, so you only need to change it in that single file. The code will however default to use the “owner” account, which I made pretty clear during the talk that you shouldn’t use. But for a demo like this, it will have to do.

Code: GetOnTheBus - Demo (314.08 kb)

An Introduction to Windows Azure Mobile Services

At the time of writing, Mobile Services is still in preview, so I believe that you have to “request” access to it. But as soon as you have, you get a new icon in your menu in the Azure management portal, which is all cool. But what is Windows Azure Mobile Services (Mobile Services from now on)?

Well, Mobile Services is basically a “layer” on top of Microsofts cloud offering. Initially, it is a great abstraction for SQL Databases, but the idea, as I have understood it at least, is that it will grow as the amount of Azure services expand, giving the users a simple API to work against. And in doing so, will make us as developers much more productive. But as I said, today, it is basically a very nifty layer on top of SQL Databases. However, that layer is really cool, simple to work with, and supports very rapid development.


Azure Web Sites and WebMatrix is pretty neat!

I guess this post isn’t so much for us “professional” web developers as it is for the hobby developers. Having that said, I can probably think of about a hundred reasons why this would actually be good for me as a pro as well…

Microsoft has currently an Azure feature called Windows Azure Web Sites in preview. It is probably about to be released pretty soon, or at least I hope so. But I don’t want to get into Windows Azure Web Sites as such. What I want to have a quick chat about, is how extremely easy it is to get up and going with a simple website using Azure Web Sites and WebMatrix.

WebMatrix as a tool, is basically a small development environment, bundled with a bunch of things like IIS Express so on. It also has a whole heap of predefined templates, making it really easy to get up and running with a new blog or whatever. It also supports node.js and php development, which is quite neat…


Securing a NancyFx module with the Azure Access Control Service

In my previous post I gave a semi-quick introduction to NancyFx. This time, I want to take Nancy and combine it with Azure ACS. Not a very complicated thing as such, but still something I want to do as I enjoy working with both technologies.

Just as in the last post, I will self-host Nancy in a console application, and use NuGet to get it going. I will also re-use the “” domain I set up in my hosts file in the last post.

Once I got my console application going with a host, and an empty NancyModule, it is time to start looking at the ACS.
