Emancipating your Entity Framework entities

Ok, so first of all, it has been a VERY long and VERY quite period on my blog. I guess that is just the way it is, sometimes life just takes up too much time to be able to blog to the extent I want to. On the other hand, I have been very busy with some cool projects, including some cool technologies, so it is all good I guess.

Now back from the dead I hope that my blogging will pick up, and this is the first in a series of blog posts about things I have figured out during my silent months. I know that Entity Framework is far from what I normally blog about, but it is still something I use, and something I spent some times getting my head around. Understanding EF as such isn’t that hard, the hard part was getting it to work in a fashion that suited me, and one of the things I don’t like is just adding a gazillion repositories on top of EF and be done with it. And I don’t like stepping 15 levels into my objects, lazy loading things as I go along. And I want things to be as DRY as possible. So I prefer having more “emancipated” objects. I want my objects to have freedom to do what they need to do. This makes the programming so much simpler and easier to follow… But it also requires some features like DI… And on top of that, being a bit paranoid, I prefer abstracting away my ORM as much as possible…

So this post is about how I have decided to use EF in my current projects, and I would love any feedback you got…


Inversion of control, dependency injection, service locator and so on. Feeling lost?

Lately, I have been bombarded with talk about inversion of control (IoC), dependency injection (DI) and service locators. Unfortunately, I have also heard a lot of odd comments that doesn’t really make sense. But I think that is because people are having trouble separating the different words and understanding what they actually mean.  So I thought I would try to explain the different things as I have understood them. And do so using a simple understandable language, instead of the often overly complex way that a lot of other people use.
