As a follow up to my previous post about encrypting messages for the Service Bus, I thought I would re-use the concepts but instead of encrypting the messages I would compress them.
As the Service bus has limitations on how big messages are allowed to be, compressing the message body is actually something that can be really helpful. Not that I think sending massive messages is the best thing in all cases, the 256kb limit can be a little low some times.
Anyhow… The basic idea is exactly the same as last time, no news there…but to be honest, I think this type of compressions should be there by default, or at least be available as a feature of BrokeredMessage by default… However, as it isn’t I will just make do with extension methods…
I know this has a simple fix, but the error message might not be too clear to some people. If you try to use Linq to XML you must first start off by adding a using statement for System.Linq.Xml. This is very easy to do... Just write the initial XDocument, with the right casing, and then press "Ctrl+." and then enter. This will add the using statement and you can keep going. So you start writing your query but it doesn't work.