4. September 2013
In my last post, I gave an introduction to using express to serve up your HTTP content to users. It walked through most of the features needed to get started, but there was one thing that was missing, but still very important, and that is error handling. However good you are at coding, you will get errors. It will obviously not be your fault, but you never know what the user manages to do… ;)
So it is definitely important for us to handle errors in a graceful way. Luckily, this is pretty simple to do… But first, we need to create a simple express-based webserver to work with…
28. August 2013
My last post covered module loading in node…or at least try to cover the basics in an understandable way… This time, it is time to create something a bit more useful, a proper web application, using a module called “express”. And instead of me talking a whole lot about what I am about to talk about, let’s just get into it…
The first step is to install express. This is done using the NPM as always. The only thing to really decide is whether or not you want to install it globally using the -g parameter, or just locally. Me, I am just going to do it locally, so I use the following command
If you install it globally, you can use express to create a “skeleton” application by running the following command
express -s -J <folder name>
This will give you a fullblown express app to start working with. But as I intend to explain the basics, I will start from scratch, and thus just install express to begin with.
14. August 2013
Ok, so in my previous post, I introduced Node to newcomers. And I am in now way condescending towards people new to Node. But, wait…Chris, you are always condescending!? Not quite true, but in this case I am definitely not, as I am myself a n00b in the area.
The goal with my blogging about node is to share the stuff I learn along the way, in a way that I think make sense to a C# dev like myself. It might not be the correct node lingo, and I might be wrong in some cases, but I just call it as I see it…
This time around, it is time to have a look at modules in node, and how we load them.
18. June 2013
Azure , Node
Node.js has got a whole lot of attention for some time now, and I guess it is time for me to get myself an opinion on what it is, and why it is so cool. And while doing so, I will try and write some blog posts offering my opinion and learnings regarding the platform.
In this first post, I will walk through setting up the “environment” needed to build apps, build an initial “Hello World” app to see that it al works. But let’s start with the first question you will ask if you have never worked with Node. What is Node? Well, it is basically a application runtime built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime called V8. And what does that mean? Well, it means that you get a way to run JavaScript efficiently outside of the browser.