Configuring an ASP.NET site to use WS-Federation

After having blogged a couple of times about how to build a simple STS, how to use claims based authentication in MVC 4.5 and how to set up federation with Azure Access Control Service, I thought it might be time to post a quick walkthrough of how to set up a simple federation with an existing STS.

Why did I think of that right now? Well, the pretty awesome “Identity and Access Tool” extension to Visual Studio has been removed from later versions of Visual Studio, making setting up federation a manual task. Unless you do it as you set up your application... And having been playing around with federation for a couple of days now in a project that wasn’t set up from scratch, I decided to just add a quick blog post on how to do a simple set up with the least amount of effort.


Cookie problems when using federated security and SignalR

I recently ran into a problem where the application I was working on didn’t pass the security information as expected to the server. The application in this case is a Silverlight client, with a WebAPI and SignalR backend. For security, we are using WIF…or federated security…I don’t know what to call it anymore. We aren’t really federating it today, but it is based on the same framework…

It has been a while since I was involved in the system, but I got roped back in to solve some issues. And while doing so, I discovered that I wouldn’t get a proper security context for calls made from the client to the server using SignalR. For some reason, those calls where just not being authenticated properly…


Building a simple custom STS using VS2012 & ASP.NET MVC

In my previous post, I walked through how “easily” one can take advantage of claims based authentication in ASP.NET. In that post, I switched out the good old forms authentication stuff for the new FedAuth stuff. In this post, I want to take it a step further and actually federate my security, but instead of just using the Windows Azure ACS’s built in identity providers, I want to build a very simple one of my own.

A lot of the solution is based on the STS project that we could get by using VS2010 and the WIF SDK. However, this project was a Web Site project using Web Forms, and I really wanted a MVC version for different reasons.

If you are fine with using VS2010 and the WIF SDK, adding a custom STS is really easy. Just create a new web project, right-click the project and choose “Add STS Reference…” and then, walking through the wizard, there will be a step that offers you to select an STS. In this step, you choose “Create a new STS project…”, which will generate a custom STS project that you can modify to your needs. Unfortunately, that option isn’t available in VS2012. Using the “Identity and Access” add-on, you are only allowed to connect to an existing STS, the ACS or a local test STS, not an STS project.


Claims-based identities in ASP.NET MVC 4.5 using the standard ASP.NET providers

Lately I have done a bit of work with claims-based identities. Most of it has been about doing federated security using the Windows Azure Access Control Service. However, I have also been working with a client that wanted claims-based identity management without federating it. For the moment, they just want to run locally, but they want to be prepared for a future where they might expand and move to a federated paradigm. And also, the way that they handle multitenancy is a perfect fit for claims…

Interestingly enough, working through their scenario, I found that there is a lot of information on the web about how to set up claims-based identity management using federation, but there is not a whole lot around for running it locally… It might not be that surprising considering that federated security has some really good points. Having been faced with this lack of information, I had to come up with a solution on my own, and building on what I built for them, I decided to create an extended example…


Securing a NancyFx module with the Azure Access Control Service

In my previous post I gave a semi-quick introduction to NancyFx. This time, I want to take Nancy and combine it with Azure ACS. Not a very complicated thing as such, but still something I want to do as I enjoy working with both technologies.

Just as in the last post, I will self-host Nancy in a console application, and use NuGet to get it going. I will also re-use the “” domain I set up in my hosts file in the last post.

Once I got my console application going with a host, and an empty NancyModule, it is time to start looking at the ACS.
