Microsoft PDC 09 and Silverlight

As you might have noticed, Microsoft PDC ‘09 has “just” finished. Unfortunately, like with all other conferences, I didn’t get to attend. PDC did however give me a lot of good things. First of all, the most obvious, a new Silverlight beta. Silverlight 4 includes a lot of interesting stuff that will be really interesting to play around with. Among the interesting features to note is webcam support, COM integration, support for external devices, access to local files, support for showing HTML, RichText and lots more. Oh…yeah…they have also added a bit of commanding support… And a few nice Visual Studio enhancements for Silverlight, such as Intellisense for bindings…

Another cool thing about PDC was that even if I didn’t get to attend, I was still sort of there. I was involved in building three Silverlight applications for Microsoft. If you attended, or have looked at some of the videos from PDC, you might have seen one or two of them.


Getting started with multi-touch development in Silverlight 3, using Windows 7 and an iPod

I’m finally back with another blog post. I have been really busy and have not had time to blog as much as I wanted to, but I have finally got around to get together a hopefully interesting post. Ever since I heard that Silverlight 3 had multi-touch support, I have wanted to try it out. Unfortunately I’m not wealthy enough to be able to run off and get a new laptop just because the one I have doesn’t support multi-touch. So I have had to wait, until a couple of days ago, when I finally got around to buying an iPod Touch. Using the iPod Touch’s multi-touch support to do Silverlight multi-touch development is actually not that hard, just a bit fiddly.


A couple of naming issues when working with Silverlight in Visual Studio 2008

I’m currently working on some cool demos for PDC09. Unfortunately, I can’t talk about them yet, but I can tell you some interesting things that I have found along the way. Since I do a lot of different development on a lot of different projects, most of my projects are built inside a VM. This makes it really easy to keep the projects separate and keeps the host machine clean. However, Hyper-V seems to kill the performance of graphics intensive tasks. So, Blend work is really slow. And besides, I’m among other things running some things that work with Azure, which is kind of slow. So I have opted for a solution where I share the Silverlight project between my VM and my host, making it possible for me to do the graphically intensive things on the host, but keep the source and source control in the VM.


Styling a ListBox aka Autopsy of a ListBox

For some reason, I keep ending up with restyled ListBoxes in my projects. I don’t know if it is because I lack imagination or if the ListBox is just such a useful control. Anyhow, it is a control that most people will use in a lot of projects and that often needs to be restyled. However useful it is, the layout is pretty stiff and Windowsy and unless you are going for that old school Windows look, you will most likely want to style it and make it a bit flashier. Unfortunately, after having had a look around the web, I still haven’t found a good resource explaining the innards of a ListBox, so I decided to create one. It might not be a complete one, but it will cover most of the things you need to make some serious layout changes… So here we go


Inversion of control, dependency injection, service locator and so on. Feeling lost?

Lately, I have been bombarded with talk about inversion of control (IoC), dependency injection (DI) and service locators. Unfortunately, I have also heard a lot of odd comments that doesn’t really make sense. But I think that is because people are having trouble separating the different words and understanding what they actually mean.  So I thought I would try to explain the different things as I have understood them. And do so using a simple understandable language, instead of the often overly complex way that a lot of other people use.


SilverTweet – Building a Silverlight Twitter client part 5

I’m finally back after a couple of weeks with too much stuff to do. It is definitely time to finish off the blog series about SilverTweet, the Silverlight twitter client that you can build on your own. Hopefully you can then take this thing and extend it with the features you need.

For those of you who haven’t read the previous parts, I would recommend doing so. Otherwise, this part will give you just about nothing valuable. And for those of you who have, and did so before I posted this part, I just want to mention that I found a pretty obvious bug in part 3.

The example code in this post will create a functional, but fugly UI. The downloadable code will contain this UI, as well as an extra UI with better layout, some animations and so on. The reason for the fugly UI here is simplicity. Not that the other UI is REALLY beautiful, but it is at least a lot better…

But let’s just get started straight away and have a look at the UI that we need to start using the application.


The application from the Wellington Silverlight User Group

Hi! For those of you who attended the Silverlight User Group meeting yesterday, and saw my presentation on data bindings in Silverlight, here is the sample application zipped up and ready. For those of you who have no clue what I am talking about, and instead wonder where the last part of the Twitter client is, I’m sorry! I have been up to my eyeballs in stuff lately… Work, presentations at the Wellington Web Meetup and the Wellington Silverlight User Group and so on. I promise I will try to get it online as soon as possible. Hopefully early next week…

But here is the code at least… (369.84 kb)

Hmm…that file got grossly bloated…sorry about that. It just has a bunch of compilation crap in it…but hey…bandwidth is free…ohh…that’s right, I’m in New Zealand where you for some !£$%@# don’t have flat rates on broadband…

Oh…and I forgot…the cool framework I was talking about is here

SilverTweet – Building a Silverlight Twitter client part 4

And once again I’m back on my computer with Live Writer and Visual Studio open. I thought it was time to give you the 4th part of the SilverTweet series. If you have missed part 1, part 2 and/or part 3, I recommend heading back and looking through them.

If someone would have told me a year ago that I would be so obsessed with my work, that I would be sitting on a plane at 07:20 in the morning writing a blog entry, I would probably have said that they must have me confused with someone else. Software development is just a job, it isn’t my life… Well, I guess I care more about it than I would like to admit…

Anyhow, in this part of the blog series, I’m going to go on and show you the rest of the models/viewmodels used in the SilverTweet application.


SilverTweet – Building a Silverlight Twitter client part 3

Once again I am back to my Twitter client. The next step in my application is to create some view models to bind the view to. This includes adapting the models I get from the Twitter service to the interface that I am going to create, as well as creating some models of my own. The modification of the auto generated ones, is pretty easy to do using the “new” partial class definition, that the objects defined in by the service proxy use.

Anyhow, let’s get started with some coding. But before I get started with the viewmodels, I am going to create a very simple little layer of abstraction. What? Why? Well, I want to de-couple the Twitter service as much as possible. The reasons for this are a couple, but mainly because of the way Twitter works. Since it is on the web, it means that I need to have internet connection to access it. It also has a limit to the amount of requests one can do per hour. This means that if I work without an internet connection or do a lot of testing with loads of requests to the service, it might cause some problems. By de-coupling it, I can switch the implementation to a mocked version, removing the need for internet access as well as the request limits. It also makes it possible for me to create unit tests for my viewmodels if I wanted that. So this layer of abstraction gives me some options. Not that I will use any of them in this example, but I have the option if I ever needed.


SilverTweet – Building a Silverlight Twitter client part 2

Welcome back! Or at least I hope it is welcome BACK. If you are not coming back, that means that you have missed the first part of this blog series. And in that case, I recommend by starting out by reading the first part. If you have already done that…let’s get cracking…

In the first part, I focused on the connection to Twitter. That included implementing OAuth and the Twitter methods I need to get the client to run. In this part, which will be a lot shorter, I’m going to focus on creating a webservice that can expose the Twitter functionality to the Silverlight client.
