I just found an interesting thing... I just created my first Deep Zoom application. I know...I'm way behind most people, but I stick to something and learn it well before moving on. That's just the way I am. Well, back to topic. I added my images to the Composer and set them up as I wanted them and then exported my project. I choose to include a Silverlight app with the export. When I tried watching it in my browser, I got a message saying that I needed to get Silverlight.
Well...I have Silverlight...just upgraded from Beta 2 to the RTW. Hmm...I just upgraded...there is the error. I guess I have used an old Deep Zoom Composer to create a demo page. This causes the page to use Silverlight 2b2 instead of the RTW. So you either have to get a new version of the Composer or fix the file. If you want to fix the file, just open the html file and change the type from "application/x-silverlight-2b2" to "application/x-silverlight-2"...
I guess I'm one of very few who will need this entry, but if I can help even one single person with this entry I'm happy. I'm actually happy anyway because I'm slowly getting some posts on my blog...