13. September 2011
BUILD , Personal
Today has been a ridiculously long day, and it is far from over… Cab picked me up at 04:45 and headed towards Arlanda, where the plane headed skyways at 06:25. And after a couple of hours in Frankfurt, the trip went on to LAX. In the shuttle to the hotel, looked at the time on my phone, it said 12:22 (thank you WP7 for picking up the time zone change that fast). So even though I was feeling less that great, I still had almost a whole day to kill…
That whole day has so far gone to checking in at the hotel, registering at BUILD and getting a prepaid sim-card for my phone (after a semi long walk in warm weather, and a $36 cab ride)…
So far I have little information to give away. The program still only says things like “keynote”, “Big Picture” and “sessions”. So that will have to wait until tomorrow…sorry! But I really don’t know more than you.
There is a lot of speculation at the moment, but I can honestly say that the only information I can give you is that it is nice and warm, and that I can see the back of one of the Disneyland rides from my 9th floor balcony. Maybe I will have a bit more to say, or gossip about after the Swede meet up tonight, but I don’t know… Stay tuned!